Tokyo - Cherry Blossoms + Plum Blossoms + Skyline Views in a VIDEO!
My second travel vlog from Tokyo is now up for your viewing pleasure :)
In there is footage of the beautiful Hama-rikyu Gardens (浜離宮恩賜庭園, Hama-rikyū Onshi Teien) on a rainy spring day. I was lucky enough to catch the very first plum blossoms and cherry blossoms of the year.
There is also footage taken while riding a boat that goes along Tokyo’s Sumida River. The Sumida river is a great vantage point to view part of Tokyo’s skyline.
(The odd shape on the building is supposed to be beer foam - the building is the Asahi Beer Hall and it is designed by Philippe Starck)
This will be a series. Next in the series: Ginza and possibly Tokyo’s Memory Lane (big thanks to Sony for having me as a guest for this adventure!!) …
I am traveling to Paris in a few days so the next Tokyo video won’t be until I get back. Also, I will be filming in Paris too :).
Because I have the attention span of a gnat and thus know the struggle is real, I will link to the video again (even though it’s above). Here you go:
Hope you enjoy!
P.S. - Are any of you on ? It’s a live-streaming app. I have been spontaneously taking people around NYC with me every day. I am Vivienne Gucwa on there (or search for travelinglens). Fun, fun!
My best-selling released in stores/online worldwide recently. Info about the book (including many photos, sample pages, and info about my history and style of photography):