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NY Through The Lens - the coffee table book is now available worldwide!!!!

I am very, very, very excited to celebrate the worldwide launch of my book today. It’s now available in stores and online around the world.

All the details about the book are in the post below.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible and most of all to you the audience of this blog without which none of this dream would have ever unfolded before my eyes.


NY Through The Lens - The Book!

I am super excited to announce this news!

My New York City coffee table book is currently available for sale worldwide!

All of the photos in this post are in the book. For all press coverage and book reviews, check out my media page for up to date coverage.

Here are some Questions and Answers about the book:

I live in the United States or Canada. What is the link to use to order the book online?

Use this link if you have a United States or Canada shipping address:

I live in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand. What are the links to use to order the book online?

Use this link if you have a UK shipping address:

Use this link if you have an Australia or New Zealand shipping address:

I live in other parts of the world. How can I purchase the book?

The book is available in the English language on Amazon throughout most of Europe (and parts of Asia).

If you go to your country’s Amazon and search for: NY Through The Lens, my book will show up. This is your own country’s option for purchasing the book. Just remember that the shipping will be local and the currency will be friendly to where you live but the book will be in English.

If you live in other parts of Europe, you may also be able to which offers free or reduced shipping to parts of Europe outside of the United Kingdom.


What are the release dates for the book?

United States and Canada release date in stores (it’s available now!): November 24, 2014.

UK, Australia and New Zealand release date: October 7, 2014 (it’s available now!).


Can I find your book in stores?


The book released in stores worldwide on November 24th, 2014.

You can find the book at major retailers in the United States like Barnes and Noble and Walmart. It’s also available at many indie booksellers like these locations in NYC: Strand Bookstore, St. Mark’s Bookshop, Drama Bookshop, , Tenement Museum giftshop, just to name a few.

You can find the book at major retailers in the U.K. like Waterstones, Foyles, The Guardian Bookshop, WHSmith, Blackwell’s, just to name a few.

Here is a page with an ongoing listing of physical retail and online locations to purchase the book:

NY Through The Lens - Book - Retail Locations

The list is ongoing as I mentioned above.


I really would love it if I could buy your book from my local bookshop. Is that possible?

Of course!

If your local bookshop doesn’t currently stock my book, just ask them about ordering and stocking the book. Most bookstores should be able to order copies for sale.


I really want a signed copy of the book. Is this possible?

My publisher has made a limited number of signed copies available as of October 25th, 2014. To order a limited edition signed copy of the book, simply use the order form on this page:

NY Through The Lens - Signed Copy

The limited edition signed copy will be signed by me personally.


Will there be any book launch related events in NYC or other parts of the world?

Great question!

The answer is: yes.

There will be a few book events happening in NYC in December, 2014.

My photography and book will be celebrated and featured at an event in conjunction with Wired Magazine in New York City in December (details TBA)

I will be doing a presentation and book signing at B&H Photo and Video in New York City on December 30th. Event details and registration: NY Through the Lens of Vivienne Gucwa

I also may be in London later this winter at some point and should that happen I will definitely be doing a few book events as well.


Is there an e-book edition of the book available?

Yes, there is.

It is available on my publisher’s website here as either a standalone e-book or you can purchase a regular print edition of the book bundled with an e-book:

NY Through The Lens - E-Book


I am press and would love to review the book. How do I get in touch with you?

Feel free to use my contact form.


Do you have any photos of what the book looks like?

Here is what the cover looks like:


The cover and physical book together:


Some sample pages:


View images of more sample pages and the cover over at this album:


How many pages are in the book? What are the formats?

The United States and Canada version of the book is paperback and consists of 192 pages of photography and writing by yours truly.

The UK, Australia, and New Zealand version of the book is hardcover and consists of 192 pages of photography and writing.



General questions:

What part of NYC did you grow up in? Where do you live now?

I was born and raised in a borough of New York City called Queens. More specifically, I grew up in Flushing, Queens. I have lived in Manhattan for the past 11 years. I currently reside on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.


When and how did you start photography? What inspires you? And how would you describe your style of photography?

The beginnings…

In 2008, I was extremely broke and had very little money. I was also stressed out as I had quit my job to go back to school to finally finish the degree which I had abandoned nearly a decade earlier because I needed to work many jobs to support myself.

Living on my own since the age of 17 years old with no family support or safety net put me in the precarious position of working many jobs to keep myself afloat while living in New York City. I worked 7 days a week for quite a while and decided I needed to make a change in my life before my life passed me by and I barely explored my passions.

It took a huge leap of faith to put myself back in school. But I did. I decided to go back to school pursuing a pre-med path.

Without much in the way of material things or financial prosperity, walking became my number one way to deal with stress. It also became a way for me to experience the city like I hadn’t before. I would choose a direction and walk as far as my feet would take me; I still do this.

My walks opened my eyes to a New York City that I hadn’t experienced before. I knew that I wanted to capture the moments and experiences on my walks that made my heart swell. However, I was so broke that I couldn’t even afford a smartphone or a smartphone plan. I went on Amazon and purchased the cheapest point and shoot I could find. At $79, it was a huge investment at the time. That humble little camera had one button and a few settings (one of which was broken!). I didn’t care though. I finally had a tool to explore my view and vision of New York City.

In 2009, I decided to finally post the photos I had accumulated along the way online. I knew nothing about posting photography online and had heard that blogs were a great place to post photography. I literally googled the word “blog” one evening and Tumblr came up as the first search result. I decided to create my blog, NY Through The Lens on Tumblr purely for myself as a way to view my collected images in a beautiful way online.

Since I had no formal training in photography or in-depth knowledge of the rules and concepts defining the field, it didn’t occur to me that I’d have an audience for my work. I honestly didn’t think that anyone would be interested in what I was posting online to my Tumblr blog. However, within a few months of posting my photos to Tumblr, I amassed close to 70,000 followers and I was both humbled and touched by the messages I would receive on a weekly basis.


Inspiration and style…

Starting out in photography with limited tools enticed me to learn more about light, which in turn, has set me on a lifelong journey attempting to capture something as fleeting and vast as the transient quality of New York City and other places around the world.

That initial leap of posting my photography online to my Tumblr and eventually across social media started an epic adventure and led to photography and writing becoming my career. I am thankful everyday that I get to share my passion with an online audience of over 2.5 million. The ability to connect with people on a regular basis is something I never take for granted.

Currently, I am focused on distilling the essence of New York City and other places around the world into distinctive visual remnants that resonate in a variety of ways.

The fantastical elements of how I perceive New York City are something that I intend to keep on imbuing into my photography. The exploration of what is reality and what is perceived reality filtered through a variety of influences is a key focus of my work.

I have always harbored a dreamy, fantastical view of New York City which harkens back to my childhood growing up as a first generation New Yorker with a tragic, yet inspirational family backstory that has inspired me in a variety of ways.

Most of my photography is heavily influenced by cinema, music, and other art forms as I have a background in fine art (painting and art history).

I am also endlessly haunted by a sense of saudade and sehnsucht: a deep longing for a place that is unidentifiable but somehow familiar and indicative of what could be identified as home. I am on a never-ending quest to attempt to imbue my photography of cities and landscapes with this complex notion of nostalgic longing.

I am fascinated and interested in exploring how certain tones can produce feelings of different forms of nostalgia and how color or lack of color influences memory and desire.

Additionally, I am inspired by all of the things that different places symbolize for people and I try to examine and delve into these enduring symbols with my photography.


Where can I find out more about you?

My About Page

Published Work, Press Coverage, Media, Events, Appearances

Social Media Reach and Information about Brands

My Travel Blog

New York City Photography Collection

Travel Photography Collection


Where else can I find you online?



All about cameras:

The most common question I get every day is what camera I shoot with. The photos in the book and the majority of the photos on my blog have been taken with Sony cameras.

I started using Sony cameras when I first began pursuing photography professionally back in 2010 based on the suggestion of a very close friend and a lot of research. I spoke on a blog panel during a photography conference in the summer of 2012. It was because of that amazing speaking opportunity that I became acquainted with Sony since someone from Sony was in the audience during my panel. I partnered with Sony in 2013 and became one of 10 contracted Sony Artisans of Imagery worldwide in April of 2014. The choice to partner with Sony was a natural one for me since I had already been enthusiastically using Sony cameras for my professional photography.

Because this photography book is inclusive of my photographic journey from the start up until now, it also includes photos that I took with my initial no-frills point-and-shoot camera as well as some mobile photos since I am very passionate about mobile photography.

Every photo in the book has a caption that indicates what camera was used as well as the settings used.



I hope you will enjoy my book. It’s been an enormous labor of love.

I want to thank everyone involved in the process: my UK publisher: , my US publisher: F+W Media, and…


None of this would have been possible without you.

Much love to all of you for inspiring me every day to follow my passion.



View: My New York City photography portfolio, My Travel Blog, ,, or ask for help.

Nice review from Tumblr of my New York City coffee table book: NY Through the Lens…



Two items we have to tell you about! Two are from the world of books, two are from the world of New York. (That’s right, they’re the same two, because books and New York are a cranky married couple that can’t get enough of each other.)

  1. NY Through the Lens (above left) is becoming an extremely attractive book, and that book is available for pre-sale right now. If you like your New York to be at once intimately familiar and constantly smitten with its own newness, then this book is destined for your coffee table. 
  2. Never Can Say Goodbye (above right) isn’t a Tumblr book, per se, but it’s a fine collection of New York essays (a genre unto itself) and it’s thick with Tumblr luminaries like , , , Jason Diamond, . (We stole that list from the perfect , whose touches on how her Tumblr, which is both “silly” and “singularly mine,” helped her find her way into the whole New Yorky, internetty, Tumblry community.)

Whew. Two mouthfuls up there, but it seemed important that we let you know about this beautiful stuff that, hey, you’re pretty much already a part of. 

Manhattan skyline photo via nythroughthelens 

Thank you Tumblr! ♥

France through the Lens

I spent the afternoon going through photography from my adventures in France this year since I am preparing for a few different presentations right now (information about those events below!). I love reliving moments through photography.

When I look through my photography, I can feel everything about the scene I was photographing: the scents in the air, the way the light fell just so, the anticipation of the moment, and every emotion that was welling up inside.

I have seen and read a lot of articles denouncing the ubiquitousness of cameras in all of today’s moments as if cameras are over-peppering a perfectly balanced and flavorful landscape.

But, I have always felt that the camera has allowed me to live in the moment more. And I relive the moments I capture after the fact, relishing everything I felt in that split second of time.

Travel is all about these moments.

Like how the light bathed the history-worn walls in Aix-en-Provence.

Or how the shadows fell on the stairs in Marseille.

The way Carcassonne sleepily overlooked the countryside.

While cats nuzzled each other next to croissants at Café les Chats, Paris.

Hotel Negresco’s Dali-esque interiors spun me round and round.

And the light in the south of France sprinkled itself over Marseille like fairy dust.

It was during that one dusk in Montpellier I felt my heart swoon.

And it filled with magic at midnight in Marseille during Fete de la Musique,

As I explored every alley I could the next day.

As storm clouds gathered above Paris,

Gustave Moreau’s house whisked me into the past,

while Montpellier’s rich golden walls held my heart in its hands.

And when this scene stopped me in my tracks,

I knew my heart would never beat the same way again.


Upcoming events and appearances:

1. I will be speaking on a panel at French Affairs Las Vegas this coming weekend. French Affairs Las Vegas is an annual travel B2B conference hosted by France’s official tourism agency Atout France and focused on travel topics with a focus on France and Paris.

My panel topic is: Social Media and Millennials in the Travel Industry. This is topic near and dear to my heart so I am looking forward to the panel discussion.

2. I will also be presenting all three days of PhotoPlus Expo in New York City on the Sony stage about travel photography. My presentation topic is: Traveling with Sony Mirrorless Cameras.

I will discuss the social aspects of sharing with Sony’s mirrorless cameras as well as the reasons why travel photography has gotten a whole lot more delightful for me. PhotoPlus Expo is the largest photography and imaging event in North America.

If you will be at PhotoPlus Expo, please come and say hello and if you have time and feel like gazing at my travel photography while I talk about my experiences photographing France come have a listen to my presentation. I will try my best to be entertaining. Promise. :)

3. I also have news to announce about my NYC photography book like info about signed copies as well as potential book-related events and appearances. I will do an update about all of this soon.


Looking for these (and more) France photos to view larger? Here you go (click or tap on each photo to view larger):

Interested in viewing all of my France posts so far? Here they are:

France Through the Lens


Incredible amounts of gratitude to:

France’s official tourism agency who you can find here on Facebook . They made my entire France photography adventure possible and went above and beyond in making sure I was well taken care of everywhere I went (truly).

*All photos taken with my Sony A7R and Sony A6000.


View: My travel photography portfolio, My Photography Book Releasing in Autumn, 2014, My NYC Blog, ,, or ask for help.

Travel New York City in photos….


All about my New York coffee table book via Tumblr’s official Books Tumblr (a great one to follow!). Thanks Tumblr! ♥ you.


NY Through The Lens - The Book!

I am super excited to announce this news!

My New York City photography book is currently available for .

Will the book be releasing in physical stores as well?

Yes! It will be at major retailers like Barnes and Noble here in the United States as well as many other retailers in the US and UK.

Here is a new page with an ongoing listing of physical retail and online locations to purchase the book:

NY Through The Lens - Book - Retail Locations

Travel Guide to New York City autumn views in Central Park


New York Autumn - Central Park’s Most Beautiful Views


Around this time every year, I get a ton of messages and emails asking me when the leaves are changing in Central Park and what the best places are to soak in the best of Central Park in the autumn.

Central Park turns into a magical autumn wonderland in the fall.

Let’s explore:

What’s more romantic than 2 bicycles waiting next to trees dripping with autumn foliage? This photo was taken on the east side of Central Park near the East 70s. I usually enter the park in this area. It’s full of rolling hills. If you wander around during the peak of autumn, you are bound to catch views like this in quite a few places in this area:


If you happen to be in Central Park when the fall foliage is at its peak, make sure you stick around for an autumn sunset. This photo was taken adjacent to The Mall in Central Park. No, The Mall is not a giant shopping center. Rather, The Mall is a section of Central Park that runs from 66th to 72nd Street.

I usually enter Central Park from the east side of the park and follow the signs to get to The Mall. This is a pathway that is right next to The Mall. It has an abundance of trees that turn red in the autumn which makes it ideal for sunset gazing.


Right next to the Loeb Boathouse which is on the east side of the park near 72nd Street, is one of the most beautiful parts of Central Park in the autumn. The willow trees here turn the most vibrant shades of yellow and orange at peak foliage and you get a perfect view of San Remo (the two-towered building in this photo) as well as people in row boats on The Lake enjoying the last vestiges of nice weather.


Another favorite spot which I mentioned above is The Mall and Literary Walk (also known as Central Park’s Poet’s Walk). Central Park’s gorgeous elm trees form a giant canopy above the bucolic landscape.

This is Central Park’s Mall at dusk on a gorgeous autumn evening.


Adjacent to Central Park’s Mall are a line of protected elm trees. The elm trees in Central Park are some of the last remaining American elm trees in the world. Make sure you explore the area around the Mall and you will be rewarded with this amazing view of the elm trees whose leaves turn the most vibrant yellow and gold at peak foliage.


After you admire the elm trees, take a walk around the benches that surround the Mall on the side of the Mall leading to Bethesda Fountain. I love this area because at autumn’s peak, the leaves carpet the ground.


Bow Bridge is always my main goal when I go to Central Park to view the peak fall foliage. It’s a fairytale setting that seems to have made its way into reality. It’s also made an appearance in a Dr. Who episode and a ton of films (Spiderman 3 being one of them). Bow Bridge is located right in the middle of the park overlooking The Lake.

It is between 74th and 75th Streets and the easiest way to find Bow Bridge is to head to Bethesda Fountain and then follow the path from there to the Bridge. Central Park is an easy place to get lost in (even I get lost there on a regular basis despite going there often) but there are signs everywhere and I have never failed to find a knowledgeable NYer who is willing to help with directions (and who isn’t directionally challenged like I am!).


If you walk south away from The Mall on the East Side of Central Park and you are in the vicinity of the Alice in Wonderland sculpture (which is near 74th Street), there are a series of large rocks that people love to climb. The light is absolutely stunning there during the autumn especially when the leaves are covering the ground.


If you decide to follow the perimeter of The Lake instead of going south after gazing at Bow Bridge, you will be greeted with views like this.


Bow Bridge is also beautiful to view from the other side of The Lake. If you wait until the hour before sunset, the sun tends to set almost directly above Bow Bridge when you are standing (or sitting) at this vantage point.


If you are feeling slightly adventurous, definitely explore The Ramble. The Ramble is in the middle of Central Park between 73rd and and 79th Streets. It is 36 acres of something known as a “wild garden”. It was designed as a total escape from the city proper and has many winding paths through a gloriously rugged landscape.

In the autumn, it comes alive with color.


The rustic bridges in The Ramble are also beautiful when surrounded by fall foliage.


And finally, do not forget to walk down Central Park’s Bridle Path. The Bridle Path is runs adjacent to the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. The reservoir runs from 85th Street to 96th street on the east side of the park.

During the autumn, the trees perfectly frame the skyline of Central Park West.



Frequently Asked Questions:


Are these the only beautiful autumn landscapes in Central Park?

If you notice, a lot of my top views are near the east side of the park. This is because for about 7 years I lived on the border of the Upper East Side and Harlem and I would walk down to this area to acquaint myself with Central Park. Familiarity breeds unabashed love.

Are there gorgeous areas of Central Park on the west side or further north and south? Of course there are. Central Park stretches across 840 acres of Manhattan. I just happen to be extremely enamored of this particular area due to my familiarity with it and my love of Bow Bridge.

Quite honestly, at the peak of autumn, you can’t really go wrong with most parts of Central Park. It’s basically an autumn wonderland full of fall foliage and piles of leaves.


When do the leaves change in Central Park?

Great question! I can give you only an approximate answer though since the peak has varied wildly over the last few years due to extreme weather (Hurricane Irene and Sandy).

Usually peak fall foliage in Central Park occurs towards the beginning of November. If New York City gets a lot of rain though, the quality of the fall foliage will vary. Lots of rain means less leaves on the trees and a less lush appearance during the peak. Also, if New York City is incredibly dry, the peak can take longer to occur.

Some years, peak foliage has occurred early towards the middle to end of October. The 2014 autumn season looks like it is starting a bit early. I have seen leaves changing already and the weather has been cool. These signs lead me to believe that we will see more color in October this year which is exciting!


How long does peak fall foliage last?

Not long enough.

No really. It’s only vibrant like in the photos in this post for around two to three weeks. Sometimes that time is cut short by rainfall and/or early snow. I wish it lasted for a month or two!



I hope you have enjoyed my autumn tour through Central Park :).


Looking for these (and more) New York City autumn photos to view larger? Here you go (click or tap on each photo to view larger):

Looking to buy any of these autumn photos as prints? Here they are in an autumn gallery over in my online print portfolio:

Central Park Autumn


* All photos taken by me with a variety of Sony cameras over the years.


Information about my New York City photography book which is releasing in stores and online in the autumn of 2014 (including where to order it):

NY Through The Lens: A New York Coffee Table Book


View: My photography portfolio, My Travel Blog, ,, or ask for help.